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CotTPT Axolotl


The Axolotl is a powerful extradimensional creature who is mentioned by Bill Cipher while being erased by Memory Gun during the Weirdmageddon. It is later mentioned by Bill once again on Journal 3, and only makes his first appearence in "Dipper and Mabel and the Curse of the Time Pirates' Treasure!: Select Your Own Choose-Venture", when Dipper and Mabel encounter the Axolotl in "the time and space between time and space".

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least Low 1-B

Name: The Axolotl

Origin: Gravity Falls

Gender: Unknown

Age: Unknown (Exists on "time and space between time and space"), likely Inapplicable

Classification: Axolotl

Powers and Abilities: Mostly unknown, Resurrection (Bill could supposely come back to life by saying/"invoking" his/her/its name), Memory Manipulation (Erased Dipper and Mabel's memories about them), Space-Time Manipulation, Omniscience

Attack Potency: At least Low Hyperverse level (The Axolotl is Gravity Falls' supreme being, and is likely infinitely superior to all beings within it, this includes 11-dimensional beings)

Speed: Immeasurable (Exists into "The In-between Space")

Lifting Strength: Immeasurable

Striking Strength: At least Low Hyperversal

Durability: At least Low Hyperverse level

Stamina: Probably limitless

Range: Hyperversal

Standard Equipment: Unknown

Intelligence: Omniscience

Weaknesses: None notable


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
