VsDebating Wiki
Speed Weed
Right about now, you're probably wondering who I am. Allow me to elucidate ya! The name is Robert E. O. Speedwagon!
— Robert E. O. Speedwagon


Robert E. O. Speedwagon is a major ally featured in Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency of the manga JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

Speedwagon is a friend and ally to the Joestar Family. Although he is an ordinary human, he faithfully supports them during his life and even after his passing via his organization, the Speedwagon Foundation.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-B

Name: Robert E. O. Speedwagon

Origin: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

Gender: Male

Age: 25 (Phantom Blood), 75 (Battle Tendency), 89 at death

Classification: Human

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses (Can determine someone's moral alignment purely based off their smell), Weapon Mastery (Buzzsaw hat, revolver and sledgehammer)

Attack Potency: Wall level (Killed a zombie with a sledgehammer, Even the weakest zombies can blow up a human skull, which requires this much energy)

Speed: Normal Human

Lifting Strength: Regular Human

Striking Strength: Class KJ

Durability: Wall level

Stamina: Average

Range: Melee, Extended melee with sledgehammer, Several meters with buzzsaw hat, Hundreds of meters with revolver

Standard Equipment: Sledgehammer, revolver, buzzsaw hat

Intelligence: Likely high (Learned to literally smell evil, Uses his body heat to help Zeppeli with his frozen arm, Created the Speedwagon Foundation, and made a fortune)

Weaknesses: Human weaknesses


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
