VsDebating Wiki
I like to play pretend up here... I pretend that there is a big, soft trampoline below this window, and I jump. If you pretend hard enough you bounce back up like a feather. I want you to try...
— Mr. Widemouth


Mr. Widemouth is a ficticious creature created for Creepypasta with looks compared to a furby- it has abnormally enlarged facial features like eyes and ears but most of all its mouth, which is disturbingly disproportionate to the rest of its body. Throughout the story it becomes the "imaginary" friend of a small child, which Mr. Widemouth secretly plots to kill by luring it into dangerous situations (including leaping off of a building onto an "invisible" trampoline and juggling knives).

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least 10-B

Name: Mr. Widemouth, Furby

Origin: Creepypasta

Age: Unknown, but at least several decades

Classification: Homicidal Entity

Powers and Abilities: Knife Expert (Notably in throwing), Invisibility in Shadow, Semi-Skilled Manipulator

Attack Potency: At least Human level, Possibly Athlete level (Seems capable of harming fully fledged humans reasonably easily)

Speed: Probably Normal Human

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Probably Class H+

Durability: Probably Human level

Stamina: Unknown

Range: Melee Range

Standard Equipment: Knives

Intelligence: Above average level manipulator of children

Weaknesses: Incredibly small stature (About the size of a small child)


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
