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Michael Myers
I spent eight years trying to reach him, and then another seven trying to keep him locked up because I realized that what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply... evil.
— Sam Loomis


Michael Audrey Myers is the central character and the main antagonist of the Halloween franchise. As a six-year-old child, Michael was admitted into a psychiatric hospital for the murder of his older sister, Judith Myers.

After nearly 15 years of captivity, Myers broke out of the asylum and, for 23 years, hunts down the rest of his family to kill them.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-B

Name: Michael Myers, The Shape, The Halloween Killer, The Bogeyman, Evil on Two Legs

Origin: Halloween

Gender: Male

Age: 21 - 44 years old

Classification: Serial Killer

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical CharacteristicsKnife Proficiency, Expertise in Stealth, Pain Inhibition, Immortality (Types 2 and 3), Regeneration (Low-Mid; seemingly regenerates from having his eyes shot out, being apparently lethally shot multiple times, and being hung), Slasherporting (Potentially considered PIS), Illusion Creation (Can seemingly cause minor illusions), Possession, Telepathy (He is psychically linked to other members of his family)

Attack Potency: Wall level (Capable of busting down doors by ripping from its hinges. Tackled Loomis through a wall. Strong enough to pierce a skull with just his thumb)

Speed: Subsonic (Dodged a bullet), tends to walk slowly toward his victims.

Lifting Strength: Peak Human (Lifted and carried away a tombstone weighing half a ton and flipped over a car given some times)

Striking Strength: Class KJ

Durability: At least Wall level (Survived gunshots, Survived the explosion of a room, he was, however, greatly damaged by it)

Stamina: Very High (Walks off being stabbed and shot)

Range: Melee

Standard Equipment: A knife, many others

Intelligence: Above average. Michael shows cunning despite his simple, brutal method of killing, using his skill in stealth to sneak up on kill unsuspecting victims, often playing dead. He often kills the power and disables landlines prior to entering to murder his victims, and even has the foresight to disable all near cars to prevent his prey from escaping. In H20, he fakes his death by crushing a paramedic's larynx and forcing them to switch clothes with him, allowing him to escape while they died in his place.

Weaknesses: Can be knocked out for some seconds if attacked with enough strength



Halloween Michael Myers Theme Song


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
