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Chris redfield revelations pro render by allan valentine-d59eemt
More and more I find myself wondering if it's all worth fighting for. For a future without fear... Yeah, it's worth it.
— Chris Redfield


Chris Redfield is an American Special Operations Unit Captain of the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance, of which he is a founding member, along with his long-time partner; Jill Valentine. Chris is also the older brother of TerraSave member, Claire Redfield.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 8-C, High 8-C with his strongest weapons

Name: Chris Redfield

Origin: Resident Evil

Gender: Male

Age: Born c. 1973

Classification: Human, U.S. Air Force pilot, S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team point man, Private Anti-Biohazard Service operative, BSAA operative, SOA agent, SOU Captain

Powers and Abilities: Possibly Peak Human, Firearms Proficiency, Martial Arts, Master Pilot, Uses Grenades and Rockets, Healing via Herbs, Uses Flamethrowers

Attack Potency: Building level+ (Knocked over a large boulder by punching it), Large Building level with his strongest weapons (Able to beat a Tyrant and is superior to his own capabilities and Leon S. Kennedy's)

Speed: Peak Human (Could fight Leon S. Kennedy)

Lifting Strength: Class K (Pushed over a Basalt Boulder.)

Striking Strength: Class GJ

Durability: At least Building level+ (Survived attacks from Albert Wesker and Tyrant)

Stamina: Very High (Can fight the likes of Tyrant and Wesker. Can survive days without needing to rest.)

Range: Melee physically, Up to hundreds of meters with weapons

Standard Equipment: A variety of weapons, such as Knifes, Handguns, Shotguns, Grenades, Rocket Launchers, Machine Guns,, Rifles, Magnums, Grenade Launchers, etc.

Intelligence: At least above average, genius level combatant

Weaknesses: Most of his weapons have limited ammunition


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Punisher (Marvel Comics) Punisher's Profile

Inconclusive Matches:
