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5 silver saint shaina by mikebriceno-d4tfzjx
Thunder Claw
— Ophiuchus Shaina


Ophiuchus Shaina is one of Athena's 88 Saints. Kurumada introduced her in vol.1 of his manga, and she was teacher to Pegasus Seiya's rival, Cassios.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least 6-C, Likely Higher

Name: Ophiuchus Shaina

Origin: Saint Seiya

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Classification: Silver Saint of the constallation of Ophiuchus

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Cosmo, Atomization, Regeneration (High), Reactive Evolution (The same attack never works twice), Can hit intangible beings (Cosmos users can hit ghosts), Resistance to being atomized (Can take hits from other Cosmo users like they were regular hits)

Attack Potency: At least Island level, Likely Higher (Superior to Chapter 1 Pegasus Seiya, who could cause this much damage), Can ignore durability via atomization

Speed: At least Transonic (Seiya had to move faster than the speed of sound to be able to land a hit on her), Likely Supersonic+ (An average Silver Saint is able to move between Mach 2 and Mach 5), Lightspeed reactions at her peak (Protected Seiya from Leo Aiolia's lightspeed attack and from the Sagittarius Arrow)

Lifting Strength: Likely Superhuman

Striking Strength: At least Class EJ, Likely Higher

Durability: At least Island level (Took hits from Seiya)

Stamina: Very High (Could fight Seiya)

Range: Several meters with her cosmo

Standard Equipment: Ophiuchus Silver Cloth, Amazon Porcelain Mask

Intelligence: As a Silver Saint, Shaina is an extremelly good fighter, teached Cassios how to fight, could fight Seiya.

Weaknesses: Can't breathe in space



Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
