VsDebating Wiki
Back before you came into my life Steven, I wanted everyone to feel the pain I felt. I realized I must make up for my awful behavior by bringing joy to others.
— Blue Diamond.


Blue Diamond is a Homeworld Gem and a member of the Great Diamond Authority that formerly ruled over the Gem race. Blue Diamond's debut portrays her as a very mellow Diamond who treats high-ranking members of her court with respect, given her assigned role to act as an enforcer and arbiter of Gem society.

Blue Diamond's temperament appears to have changed significantly in the 5,000 years following the supposed shattering of Pink Diamond. Additionally, Blue Diamond seems to not understand humans, given by how she was surprised that Greg was able to comprehend and sympathize with her pain of losing a loved one, in addition to displaying an apparent unawareness of masculine pronouns, though this is understandable since she is not native to Earth and has had very little reason to get to know humans.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least High 6-A

Name: Blue Diamond.

Origin: Steven Universe.

Gender: Sexless, Identifies as female.

Age: 20,000 years.

Classification: Gem.

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Large Size (Type 1.), Vehicular Mastery (Blue Diamond can pilot her spaceship with great skill.), Skilled in hand-to-hand combat, Telepathy and Aura (Blue Diamond can create a powerful telepathic aura.), Fragrance Manipulation (Blue Diamond is shown to be able to create and control small blue clouds.), Empathy Manipulation (Blue Diamond's aura will cause anyone within its reach to be overwhelmed with intense feelings of sadness and cry uncontrollably, to be point of being incapacitated. Blue Diamond's cloud can induce extreme joy to those who touch it, to the point of making them laugh out loud for no reason.), Energy Projection (Blue Diamond can fire energy blasts.), Danmaku (Blue Diamond can cause blasts of energy to rain down around the battlefield.), Inorganic Physiology (Type 2, Gems are solar-powered robots.), Immortality (Types 1, 2, Gems will remain conscious even after their gems were reduced to dust and used as pigment, and 3.), Life Support (Types 1, 2, and 3.), Sealing and Regeneration Negation (Low-High, Gems can seal their targets inside bubbles, preventing them from regeneration.), BFR (Gems can teleport away whatever they bubble to wherever they consider their home.), Shapeshifting (Gems can shapeshift their physical form at will.), Size Manipulation (Gems can change their size at will.), Small Size (Type 2 when fully shrunk.), Biological Manipulation (Gems, despite being inorganic, can use their shapeshifting to produce functional organic body parts, such as a womb that allows them to become pregnant.), Regeneration (High-Low in combat, Gems can quickly regenerate severed body parts, Low-High, Gems will eventually regenerate after being reduced to their Gems.), Cloth Manipulation (Gems can change their clothing at will as they reform.), Adaptation (Gems will passively adapt to any change in gravity.), Pocket Reality Manipulation (Gems have a pocket reality inside their gems that contain their memories.), Fusion (Gems can fuse with other Gems at will.), Accelerated Development (Gems learn incredibly quickly, such as a Ruby, a Gem seen as having low intelligence, becoming a master guitarist mere minutes after being told the basic on how to play the guitar.)

Attack Potency: At least Multi-Continent level (Blue Diamond should be superior to Pink Diamond.)

Speed: At least FTL+ (Blue Diamond should be superior to Pink Steven.)

Lifting Strength: At least Class G (Blue Diamond should be massively stronger than Sunstone.)

Striking Strength: At least Class NJ

Durability: At least Multi-Continent level

Stamina: Limitless while under the sun (Gems are solar-powered robots.), Superhuman otherwise (Blue Diamond should be massively superior to Steven Universe.)

Range: Melee physically, Several meters with clouds, Hundreds of meters with aura, Planetary with energy (The Diamonds could fire a blast that affected the entire surface of the Earth.)

Standard Equipment: None notable.

Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (Blue Diamond is one of the three main rulers of Homeworld, a galactic empire that has taken over countless worlds, with Blue Diamond herself personally overseeing the colonization of countless planets. Blue Diamond is significantly more mature and experienced than Pink Diamond, who could lead a rebellion in a thousand-year interplanetary war against Homeworld. Blue Diamond can battle Garnet and Bismuth, who could take down three battalions of Quartz soldiers entirely by themselves without any difficulty. Gems learn incredibly quickly, such as a Ruby, a Gem seen as having low intelligence, becoming a master guitarist mere minutes after being told the basic on how to play the guitar.)

Standard Tactics: Blue Diamond will quickly incapacitate the opponent with her aura or clouds. If doing so is not possible, Blue Diamond will fight by mixing energy attacks and physical blows.

Weaknesses: Too much damage will cause a Gem's physical form to poof and revert back into their gems. Gems will be unable to regenerate correctly or keep their physical form stable if their gems are damaged or shattered. If a Gem reforms too fast after poofing, their physical form can come out looking mutated or ridiculous. Gems cannot change the size or shape of their gems by shapeshifting. A Gem holding a shapeshifted form for too long can tire them out and hurt them.

Note: Blue Diamond’s empathy abilities have shown to work on humans such as Connie.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
