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Android 19 render 5 by maxiuchiha22

Credit to maxiuchiha22


Android 19 is a secondary antagonist in the early Androids Saga. It is Dr. Gero's nineteenth creation, built to assist him in the vendetta against the one that overthrew the Red Ribbon Army as a child.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 4-C

Name: Android 19

Origin: Dragon Ball

Gender: Inapplicable (is a robot)

Age: Unknown

Classification: Robot with artificial intelligence.

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts, Flight, Energy / Ki Absorption, Energy Manipulation (Can be used defensively and offensively, to strengthen his skin or to fire ki blasts, which can home in on targets, and form defensive barriers), Longevity, Limited Information Analysis

Attack Potency: Star level (Should be somewhat on par with Frieza, able to fight on par with Goku and Vegeta prior to his absorption device being destroyed)

Speed: FTL+ (Kept up with a weakened Super Saiyan Goku's attacks and eventually outclassed him, should have been able to whelm Vegeta if it had absorbed his energy)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: XGJ Class

Durability: Star level

Stamina: Extremely high, can keep on fighting for unlimited periods of time by replenishing its power by absorbing its opponent's energy

Range: Standard melee range. At least Planetary with offensive energy techniques.

Standard Equipment: Absorption Devices on its hands, Built-in Scouter

Intelligence: Above Average (computer intelligence, programmed with fighting information)

Weaknesses: If the absorption device were to break it will need repairs or else 19 will have a limited amount of energy to fight on, appears to show fear and hesitation if absorption device is destroyed

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Built-in Scouter: A scouter embedded within the android's eyes as sensors that can detect energy level and location of the source, should be able to dictate if it is stronger if source is unable to hide energy.
  • Energy Absorption: also known as Drain Life 19. A technique where Android 19 takes hold of an opponent with his hands and proceeds to drain their energy through his palms. He is also capable of absorbing blasts of energy with this ability.
  • Flight: The ability to fly without the use of ki.
  • Energy Attack: The most basic form of energy wave used by androids.
  • Photon Shot: A Full Power Energy Wave fired from the palm of 19's hand.
  • Cybernetic Pain: A High Power Rush used by Android 19.
  • Bionic Punisher: A synthetic form of Eye Laser used by Android 19, as well as Android 20.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
